In the spirit of "If it's not perfect, make it better," and in light of the dynamic nature of both adult learning and today's workplace, SCPS graduate programs regularly receive and solicit input for ongoing program improvement. Ideas and suggestions are maintained by the graduate programs director who regularly asks program personnel to review them and, as appropriate, prioritize them for action/implementation. The following means are employed for input in this regard:
Ongoing, Program-based Input
Program constituents (e.g., students, alumni, professional advisors, part-time faculty, resident faculty and employers of current students and alumni) regularly offer suggestions for improvement. Forums for these suggestions include informal conversations, assessment sessions and course evaluation documents as well as reflections at the end of each students program of study.
Focus Groups and/or Town Hall Meetings
Periodically, program personnel convene focus groups or town hall meetings among program constituents for the purpose of focused and reflective conversation regarding the state of each program in achieving its objectives as well as its direction forward. Participants in such sessions are either voluntary or, on occasion, specifically selected and invited by the respective program.
Surveys (Written or Phone Interviews)
Periodically, program personnel solicit input through surveying select constituent groups (current students, active students, inactive students, alumni, faculty, professional advisors, employers of students, etc.). Depending on the nature of the group as well as the survey protocol, this input may be accomplished in written or electronic form or via interviews.
External Review
Periodically, program personnel ask national experts in the field of higher education, adult learning and professional development to review its programs and offer both critique and suggestions.
Program Review
As part of the university's comprehensive program review process, SCPS graduate programs participate in a full-scale review every 8-10 years. Such review includes assessment of each programs mission, curriculum design and effectiveness, faculty qualifications, student performance and satisfaction, support processes, and financial viability. Recent program reviews were conducted in 1998-99, 2007-08, and 2013-14.