a. Receive—just prior to the end of the quarter—email notice from University Registrar and from SCPS regarding grading. See also Submitting Grades. The deadline for grade posting is contained on your original Letter of Agreement (per A4). Otherwise, see the University Registrar (For Faculty, Registration & Grading Dates).
b. Submit grades for all students/courses assigned to you in accordance with university directives. Failure to do so will result in the student being issued an “M” grade (Missing) and your name being included in a report of missing grades sent to Academic Affairs. [Note: Instructors completing intensive shorter courses will need to hold their grades until the “grading” window opens after 10th week of quarter.]
c. For MAEA courses, submit copies of each student’s Self-Assessment Form and related Instructor Assessment Form (one for each student) to scpsgrad@depaul.edu