School of Continuing and Professional Studies > Faculty & Staff > Faculty Resources > Graduate Teaching Directives

Graduate Program Teaching Directives

These requirements (and opportunities) are associated with course/seminar teaching assignments in SCPS Graduate Programs. Please read and follow carefully in order to maximize a successful teaching/learning experience for all concerned. Please also be aware that SCPS considers an instructor’s acceptance of a teaching assignment as an acceptance of these directives. Failure to fulfill these directives will negatively impact future teaching assignments in SCPS Graduate Programs.

A. Before Your Course Begins       B. During Your Course      C. After Your Course     D. Miscellaneous

Receive & review “teaching assignment” information from relevant Grad Program Coordinator or the Graduate Programs Office (Associate Director) confirming specific appointment to teach within SCPS' Graduate Programs. This information also includes dates/times of course as well as reference to this document—Grad Teaching Directives.

If you've previously taught at SCPS, skip to A4. Full-time faculty, skip to A5. The educational credentials listed on your CV will be verified through a national clearinghouse. Once verified, you will be contacted to proceed to A3.

Schedule and complete a hiring appointment with SCPS Assistant Dean for Administration and Budget as soon as the forms in A2 are completed and as directed in the Hiring Email (above). Through this appointment, you will be directed regarding steps for securing your employee ID number (and web resources password) as well as your University Photo ID, your University email address, and information regarding Campus Connect and D2L.

1. The ID card enables access to campus buildings as well as library and technology resources. The web resources password enables remote access to library resources, Campus Connect and D2L. Note: To obtain a DePaul ID card and web resources password, you must be on the University payroll system. If you are a first-time DePaul part-time faculty member and you need to access library resources prior to receiving your first paycheck, please contact the Graduate Programs Office ( for assistance in gaining circulation privileges.

2. Part-time Faculty are expected to use, view and respond to their individually-assigned DePaul email address for all course-related communications with students and DePaul personnel.

3. CampusConnect is the central, web-based source for almost all information regarding courses (roster, grading, classroom location). It also provides access to payroll information and a variety of other links to functions related to your work as an instructor/DePaul employee.

4. Desire-2-Learn (D2L) is the electronic course management system for online storage and retrieval of course documents, articles/media and interactions—threaded discussions, small group activities, file exchanges, etc. An ‘empty’ Desire-2-Learn site is automatically set up for each course. For further details, see A10.

Receive and review—approximately six-weeks prior to the quarter of your assignment—an Official Letter of Appointment from the SCPS Dean. This document will further confirm A1.

Familiarize yourself with the course and context pertaining to your assignment. Teaching assignments within SCPS' Graduate Programs occur through either Liberal Learning (LL) seminars or Educating Adults (EA) courses. For information regarding the LL Seminars, see Domains of Applied Effectiveness included within “a” below. For information regarding EA courses, see MAEA Degree Requirements below.

a. LL Planning Schedule

b. MAEA Degree Requirements

Familiarize yourself with the course’s official schedule as established by the Graduate Programs Office. This schedule is posted within the appropriate Planning Schedule, the appropriate quarter’s Graduate Registration Bulletin, and Campus Connect. The official model (and expectation) is derived from the following: a 4-credit hour course is to meet for 30 hours (not including breaks) which equates to 10 three-hour modules scheduled for 3.25 hours per module—assuming a 15 minute break at midpoint per module. For courses with other-than-4 credit hours, this model is adapted proportionately.; [Note: When a University holiday falls on a weeknight that would otherwise be scheduled for a course module, the course is reduced by one module. Instructors may insert an online experience during the holiday week if they so wish.]

a. Consult with the appropriate Grad Programs Coordinator to discuss the course’s purpose, “typical” student likely to enroll as well as course syllabus expectations and deadlines:

b. Build your syllabus in accordance with the Graduate Programs Course Information Guide Template. For further resources (e.g., designing assignments, gathering materials, etc.), see DePaul’s Teaching Commons.

c. Submit your proposed syllabus to the appropriate program coordinator two months prior to the start of the quarter in order to provide time for iterative review, feedback and eventual approval. To have syllabus posted on the SCPS website, see A8.

d. After your syllabus is posted, consult with the appropriate coordinator regarding any substantial proposed changes. If change is approved, communicate said change thoroughly to all registered students. Note: Multiple changes and/or changes to grading criteria should be avoided once the course is underway.

Receive/review email notice from SCPS containing information regarding ordering textbooks, assigning classrooms, submitting your syllabus, etc. This information includes directions and deadlines regarding:

  • how (and by when) to submit your syllabus for posting (i.e., once approved per A6.
  • how (and by when) to order textbooks/materials for your course. (Note: As a general guide, texts should not exceed $50 per credit hour.)
  • how (and by when) to register your preferred classroom characteristics (e.g., equipment, furniture configuration, etc.) data which are considered in making final room assignments.

Develop and revise a brief paragraph biography of yourself for the Faculty Biography page on the SCPS website and submit/resubmit it for posting to examples, see

Submit materials to e-Library reserve—if appropriate to your course plan. For additional assistance, contact DePaul Instruction/Outreach Librarian (Ms. Heather Jagman; or Reference/Instruction Librarian (Ms. Sue Shultz;

Add content to your course’s D2L site. At a minimum, upload basic course information and syllabus. Your DePaul username and password will allow you to log-in to D2L at D2L incorporates web pages, email, discussion boards, chat rooms, small group areas, online quizzes, an online grade book, document sharing, etc., to create an online learning environment.For information/refresher regarding D2L, please see DePaul’s online tutorial offered by Teaching Commons at:

Prepare photocopy materials. Faculty are responsible for their own photocopying. To assist, each campus has a copy card which part-time faculty can sign-out. In addition, the University Bookstore can prepare (for sale in the bookstore) a course packet of instructional materials including articles, sections of books and other reading materials tailored to meet the specific objectives of a course. DePaul University Libraries can also obtain and post electronic versions of readings (articles, sections of books, etc.) for instructors using E-Reserves software. See information at:

Resources posted or distributed through the Bookstore or Library Reserves will be “copyright-cleared” for the instructor by the Bookstore/Library. Otherwise, faculty are responsible for their own copyright clearance.

Arrange for guest speaker(s)—if applicable to your course—in accordance with the following: (a) Instructors are solely appointed by the University to the instructor role and are not at liberty to delegate that role—even informally—to others; (b) Guest speakers may be used for no more than 20% of a course (for 4cr course = no more than two 3-hour sessions; for 2cr course = no more than one 3-hour session); (c) The use of guest speaker(s) should be cleared in advance with the appropriate Program Coordinator (See A7 for contact information.); and, (d) Upon completion of guest contribution, instructor may request that the University provide a modest honorarium to guest(s). The honorarium request form is available at SCPS Faculty Forms under “Request for Payment for Guest Speaker” and includes instructions for submission.

Secure a class roster prior to the start of your course. Enter Campus Connection. Select “For Instructors” within the left-hand menu. Select “Class Roster.” Given the possibility of late registrations, please be aware that the roster is subject to change.

Check your class roster (via Campus Connect) just prior to the first class session. Your final room assignment will be listed on this roster. The University endeavors to make room assignments that align with as many of your classroom preferences (see A7) as possible.